Set in a different Tokyo on a different world than ours, the story follows Tokunana, a unit of assembled misfits in the Metropolitan Police Department. Tokunana battles against “Nine” —…
Third-year middle school student Yu-yu Kondo lives in Kanazawa city of the country of Kaga. Being unable to reject requests, Yu-yu often gets caught up in his sister’s hobbies. When…
Percy Jackson is on a dangerous quest. Outrunning monsters and outwitting gods, he must journey across America to return Zeus’ master bolt and stop an all-out war. With the help…
A former professional dancer, Brooke, and her brother Cary, an aspiring actor, try to find their place in the world while wrestling with their feelings about their 13-year-old brother Chase’s…
Two half-brothers spend a summer with their grandma in Monte Macabre, a small and mysterious town, where the myths and legends of Latin American folklore come to life.
Makoto Misumi is just an ordinary high school student living a regular life, but all of a sudden gets summoned to the other world to become a “hero.” The goddess…
A captivating drama set in Maralinga, South Australia, at the height of the Cold War. At a remote army base carrying out British nuclear testing, paranoia runs rife and nuclear…
Endo and Kobayashi love to bicker about their latest video game fixation. They think they’re simply providing color commentary, but one of the game’s characters, Siegwald, can hear them talking…
Since the graduation of the senior members of the club, Takezou ends up being the sole member of the “Koto” (traditional Japanese string instrument) club. Now that the new school…
It is the Taisho Period in Japan. Tanjiro, a kindhearted boy who sells charcoal for a living, finds his family slaughtered by a demon. To make matters worse, his younger…
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